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Example of setting up Shopify to display pages in a blog-like list with thumbnails

Example of setting up Shopify to display pages in a blog-like list with thumbnails


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This is a setting example for a request to display Shopify pages in a list like a blog. Since it is not possible to set a main image on a page like a blog, a meta field is used instead. Also, since it is not necessary to display all of them, an exclusion process is also included.

Example of settings to display pages in a list with thumbnails like a blog

① Add two definitions to the page meta field: "Thumbnail" and "Exclude from list pages"

② Set metafield contents for each page as necessary

3) Create a new page template, add a "Custom Liquid" section, and insert the code

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Sample Codes

Code example to display pages in a blog-like list with thumbnails

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