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Example of setting up a ranking frame on a collection page using the Shopify theme "Dawn"

Example of setting up a ranking frame on a collection page using the Shopify theme "Dawn"


  • CollectionsEdit

How to implement

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We sometimes receive requests to display category rankings in a separate section on Shopify's collection pages, like Rakuten. It's a bit of a hassle, but here's an example of how to use the "Featured Collections" section in the Dawn theme as a ranking display section while still allowing regular use.

How to automatically generate a menu that allows navigation within the same hierarchy from the main menu in the "Dawn" theme

Setup Step 1: Add a definition to the collection meta field, specify the collection, add the scheme to "featured-collection.liquid" and the label to "ja.schema.json".

Step 2: Modify the code in "featured-collection.liquid"

Setup Step 3: Add a "Featured Collection" section to any location in the collection template and configure various settings.

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Sample Codes

Test Theme :Dawn/Rise 15.2.0

Add scheme to "featured-collection.liquid"

Add a label to "ja.schema.json"

Modified the code for "featured-collection.liquid" (to hide the contents of the referenced collection if "d...

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