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Example of how to change the sorting of collection pages from dropdown to tabs in the Shopify theme "Dawn"

Example of how to change the sorting of collection pages from dropdown to tabs in the Shopify theme "Dawn"


  • CollectionsEdit

How to implement

  • Javascript
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Many themes offer a pull-down sorting function on Shopify's collection page, but there may be cases where you want to change this to a tab-type sorting function. Normally, you would customize it by editing the Liquid code, but here is an example of how to make changes using the theme editor. *Only available in "Dawn"

Example of how to change the sorting of collection pages from pull-down to tab-type in the theme "Dawn"

[Setup Method 1] Turn off Enable sorting for product grid in collection template and add a customized Liquid section

[Setup Method 2] Insert the code into the customized Liquid section

[Note] Available regardless of whether or not the filter function is enabled and regardless of the layout

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Sample Codes

Test Theme :Dawn/Rise 15.2.0

Insert the code into the customized Liquid section

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