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Example of settings for hiding the button container but keeping the link active in the slideshow section of the Shopify theme "Dawn"

Example of settings for hiding the button container but keeping the link active in the slideshow section of the Shopify theme "Dawn"


  • Hero image management and editing

How to implement

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In the slideshow section of the Shopify theme "Dawn," when you specify a link destination, it is displayed as a link button on top of the image. This is good as it makes it easy to understand as a guide, but in some cases you may want to specify the link destination on the entire image without displaying a button. Here is an example of that setting.

Example of settings for keeping links active even when the button container is hidden in the slideshow section of the theme "Dawn"

Setup procedure: Edit the code in "slideshow.liquid"

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Sample Codes

Test Theme :Dawn/Rise 15.2.0

Edit the code in "slideshow.liquid"

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