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Example of settings to display a confirmation dialog when deleting an item from the cart using the Shopify theme "Dawn"

Example of settings to display a confirmation dialog when deleting an item from the cart using the Shopify theme "Dawn"


  • Cart Edit

How to implement

  • Javascript
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In the Shopify theme "Dawn," when you press the delete button for an item in your cart, the item is removed immediately without a confirmation message. Here's a way to display a dialog box to prevent accidental deletion. (Please make a backup of your theme before implementing this, as cart.js will be modified.)

Example of setting to display a confirmation dialog when deleting an item from the cart in the "Dawn" theme

Setting procedure: Modify some of the code in Assets > "cart.js"

After making a purchase (all items are ¥0), you will be able to view the sample code.

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Sample Codes

Test Theme :Dawn/Rise 15.2.0

Setting procedure: Modify some of the code in Assets > "cart.js"

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