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A setting example for the Shopify theme "Dawn" that allows you to specify the label displayed for out-of-stock products using meta fields for each product.

A setting example for the Shopify theme "Dawn" that allows you to specify the label displayed for out-of-stock products using meta fields for each product.


  • Product information management and editing

How to implement

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In the Shopify theme "Dawn," the text "Sold Out (can be changed by editing the theme's content)" is displayed for out-of-stock items in the product details and product list. This is a setting example for changing this to any text you like for each product. It can be used to set a label for products that are regularly replenished.

Example of setting that allows you to specify the label displayed for out-of-stock products by meta field for each product in the theme "Dawn"

[Step 1] Add an alternative display item when the product is sold out to the product meta field

Setup Step 2: Edit the code in "contact-form.liquid" (add a confirmation email address input form)

Step 3: Edit the code in "contact-form.liquid" (add JavaScript for address matching)

After making a purchase (all items are ¥0), you will be able to view the sample code.

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Sample Codes

Test Theme :Dawn/Rise 15.2.0

Replacing " {{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }} " written in multiple liquid files

Modifying "main-product.liquid"

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