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A setting example for the Shopify theme "Dawn" that allows you to display or hide the stock quantity and status of each product using product tags.

A setting example for the Shopify theme "Dawn" that allows you to display or hide the stock quantity and status of each product using product tags.


  • Product information management and editing

How to implement

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The "Inventory Status" feature of the Shopify theme "Dawn" can display the inventory status of products, but there are times when you want to change the display content for each product. You can create a template for each block setting, but it is not a good idea to increase the number of templates that have almost no difference, so this is an example of a setting that can be controlled with tags.

An example of how to display or hide the stock quantity and status of the "Inventory Status" item information of the "Dawn" theme using product tags

[Settings Step 1] Add the scheme to "main-prodocut.liquid" and the label to "ja.schema.json"

[Settings Step 2] Modify the code in "main-prodocut.liquid"

[How to use] Tag products for which you do not want to display stock quantity or stock status

After making a purchase (all items are ¥0), you will be able to view the sample code.

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Sample Codes

Test Theme :Dawn/Rise 15.2.0

Add scheme to "main-prodocut.liquid"

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