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Example of setting up Shopify to pass on parameters and referrers at the time of inflow to order information as order.attributes

Example of setting up Shopify to pass on parameters and referrers at the time of inflow to order information as order.attributes


  • Tracking Notes

How to implement

  • Javascript
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This is a simple example of a configuration that uses cart attributes to add referrer and parameters to order information so that they can be viewed on the order information screen.

Example of setting to pass on parameters and referrer at the time of inflow to order information as order.attributes

[Settings] Create a new section file "takeover_referrer_and_urlparam_to_order" and set the scheme and code.

[How to use] Add "Parameters to pass to order" to the footer section group and specify the parameter name


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Sample Codes

Test Theme :Dawn/Rise 15.2.0

Create a new section file "takeover_referrer_and_urlparam_to_order" and set the scheme and code.

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