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A setting example to prevent pages that are "blocked by robots.txt but indexed" from appearing in search results on Shopify

A setting example to prevent pages that are "blocked by robots.txt but indexed" from appearing in search results on Shopify


  • Site map management and editing

How to implement

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By default, Shopify's policy, cart, account, and other pages are excluded from search engine crawling, but depending on the link structure within your store, they may be indexed. This is how to set up the pages so that they do not appear in search results.

An example of how to prevent pages that are "blocked by robots.txt but indexed" from appearing in search results

[Settings Step 1] Edit theme.liquid and add " " tag

[Settings] [Settings Step 2] Create a new "robots.txt.liquid" template and edit it so that the target page is not applied to "Disallow Targets"

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