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Example of settings to display tag links on blog posts for the Shopify theme "Dawn"

Example of settings to display tag links on blog posts for the Shopify theme "Dawn"

  • 301 Redirect
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Shopify has a standard redirect function, making it easy to carry over SEO benefits when switching from another cart, but this is not possible if the original URL contains query parameters.
Please be aware that since the entire search index will have to be redone, there is a high possibility that your search ranking and traffic will decrease immediately after switching.

Example of settings to display tag links on blog posts with the theme "Dawn"

Setup Step 1: Add the scheme to "main-article.liquid" and the label to "ja.schema.json"

Setting Step 2: Modify the display code of "main-article.liquid"

Step 3: After setting tags for your blog post, set tags you don't want to display in the theme editor.

After making a purchase (all items are ¥0), you will be able to view the sample code.

If you have already made a purchase, please login here.

Sample Codes

for main-article.liquid {% schema %}

    "type": "checkbox",
    "id": "blog_show_tags",
    "default": false,
    "label": "t:sections.main-article.blocks.title.settings.blog_show_tags.label"
    "type": "textarea",
    "id": "blog_excluded_tags",
    "label": "t:sections.main-article.blocks.title.settings.blog_excluded_tags.label",
    "info": ""

For ja.schema.json